Located in southern Ukraine with access to the Black Sea, Mykolaiv is an important transportation hub of Ukraine.
UN4UkrainianCities is working with the city government of Mykolaiv to develop a new concept master plan that will guide the city’s recovery and growth in the coming years, focusing on sustainable mobility, affordable housing, and innovative public spaces. The project engages local stakeholders and international experts to create a resilient and inclusive vision for Mykolaiv’s future.
Main Challenges
Destruction of 2,200 residential buildings and 360 community facilities due to the ongoing conflict.
Damage to 45% of public buildings and 44% of critical infrastructure, as of September 2022.
Urgent need to prioritise the provision of safe living conditions for citizens and restoration of critical infrastructure, especially the water supply system.
Necessity to ensure a stable heating season during the winter.
Economic suffering of local enterprises requiring restoration of their economic activity and the city’s need for long-term economic diversification.
Based on the concept master plan, the UN4UkrainianCities project is developing detailed project designs. This work is helping to pave the road for “building back better” and support the municipality in addressing criticalities as well exploiting opportunities, while engaging with the local community.
Guiding Principles
- Industry and Innovation: Review the pre- and post-conflict economic situation to sustainably integrate medium to large enterprises into the urban fabric of the city, boost industrial capabilities, create jobs, and support the local economy.
- Affordable Housing: Provide affordable and sustainable housing through the refurbishment of existing buildings and introduction of new elements using modern methods of construction.
- Sustainable Mobility: Introduce a hierarchized electric transport network supported by a strong non-motorized transport and trail network to increase accessibility and reduce car dependency and CO2 emissions.
- Governance: Encourage public and private stakeholder collaboration to strengthen cooperation between city departments and create a sustainable, long-term vision shared by all government agencies.
- Green Networks: Strengthen green networks through green belts in the city center and by connecting landscapes and water to preserve the natural ecosystem, enhance resident wellness, and reduce heat islands.
- Community Engagement: Mainstream community engagement practices into the city’s planning framework, ensuring the achievement of strategic goals through transparent, accountable, consistent, and accessible community engagement.
Pilot Projects and Urban Strategies
Innovation District
Establish a new mixed-use neighbourhood focused on science and innovation, combining the innovative capacity of science parks with state-of-the-art approaches to neighbourhood creation.
Culture and Heritage
Preserve and promote Mykolaiv’s cultural heritage while creating new public spaces that foster community engagement.
Urban Design Strategy
Implement key moves to unlock Mykolaiv’s potential, including relocating industrial ports, regenerating the riverfront, densifying selected areas, upgrading social infrastructure, and activating strategic pilot projects.
Landscape Strategy
Reconnect citizens with the city’s rivers and historical DNA through strategic actions that address existing issues and propose innovative approaches for reactivating the city. Extend a new green urban grid from the rivers’ shores into the agricultural hinterlands, guiding the city towards a sustainable and resilient future.
Transport & Mobility Strategy
Redirect heavy traffic by implementing a new bridge and bypass road. Promote intermodality by enhancing railway connectivity integrated with park-and-ride facilities, the public transport network, and soft mobility connections. Develop an integrated, flexible, and environmentally sustainable public transport system with comprehensive citywide connections.
- Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan: Detailed Analysis and Damage Assessment
- Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan: Vision and Strategic Proposal
- Output 3 - Part 1