UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva

Supporting Kharkiv's Path to Recovery with the Comprehensive Restoration Program

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has successfully completed Component 2 of the UN4UkrainianCities project, delivering crucial support to Kharkiv in developing its Comprehensive Restoration Program.  This program outlines the city’s plans to build back better and will guide its recovery efforts in the coming years, following the Ukrainian legislation.

Developed in collaboration with the Department of Economics and Municipal Property of the Kharkiv City Council, executive bodies, territorial units of ministries, and international consultants, the Comprehensive Restoration Program represents a holistic approach to urban recovery. The program covers the period up to 2027 and considers a wide range of factors including economic, social, environmental, and infrastructural challenges that may influence the city’s future development. It combines various aspects of urban planing, including strategic and spatial elements, to ensure a cohesive approach to recovery.

Key Components of the Program

  1. Assessment of Conflict Impacts: The program provides a thorough evaluation of the negative effects of the ongoing conflict on all areas of life in Kharkiv;

  2. Urban Planning Review: Existing urban planning documentation has been reviewed, with proposals for amendmending the city master plan, taking into consideration dynamic societal changes and the impacts of the conflict;

  3. Resource and Feasibility Analysis: The program assesses the resources, technical feasibility, and economic viability of restoring the city’s functionality;

  4. Comprehensive Development Proposals: Evidence-based proposals for comprehensive restoration and development of Kharkiv are provided, including prioritized implementation measures. These cover spatial planning, land use norms, environmental protection, service provision, cultural heritage preservation, transportation development, and engineering infrastructure.

  5. Funding Strategy: The program identifies the required funding volume and proposes financing sources for ensuring a comprehensive territorial restoration.

Expected Outcomes

The implementation of the Comprehensive Restoration Program aims to create conditions for city residents to live a safe life and meet their urgent needs. It defines the main spatial and socio-economic priorities and outlines a comprehensive set of priority measures for restoring the territory affected by conflict.

The program recognizes that the restoration process will span many years and require significant international and state budget funds. It emphasizes the importance of using these funds as effectively as possible, stressing the need to rethink infrastructure for future-oriented development rather than simply rebuilding what was destroyed.

Next Steps

The Program has already received approval from the Kharkiv City Council and is currently under review by the regional government. Once the revision process is completed, the program will be formally adopted, marking a crucial step forward in Kharkiv's journey towards recovery and renewal.

This achievement underscores UNECE's commitment to supporting Ukrainian cities in their reconstruction efforts. By providing valuable expertise and fostering international cooperation, UNECE is contributing to sustainable urban development in the face of unprecedented challenges, paving the way for a resilient, sustainable urban recovery.