UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva

Ukrainian Housing Experts Learn from Nuremberg's Municipal Housing Experience

Photo: A. Potanina, IWO e.V.

On 10-14 November, 2024, a delegation of Ukrainian housing experts gained valuable insights into municipal rental housing during an intensive study visit to Nuremberg, Germany. The visit brought together key stakeholders working to develop new housing solutions in Ukraine, representing both local and national government institutions.

The Nuremberg study visit provided us with practical insights into running a successful municipal housing company. We were particularly impressed by how wbg Immobilien balances social responsibility with financial sustainability.”
— Mr. Vitalii Lukov, First Deputy Mayor, Mykolaiv City Council

Throughout their stay, participants studied the operations of wbg Immobilien, Nuremberg's municipal housing company. Through interactive sessions, site visits, and discussions with German experts, the delegation explored various aspects of municipal housing management. The program featured visits to several housing projects, providing the delegation with practical examples of how Nuremberg addresses housing challenges through municipal solutions.

As we work to rebuild and develop new housing in Kharkiv, seeing Nuremberg’s approach to affordable housing management has been invaluable. Their experience in maintaining social cohesion while ensuring quality housing is particularly relevant for our context.
— Oleksandra Kirian, Head of the Division of Cooperation with International Financial Partners, International Cooperation Department, Kharkiv City Council

The Ukrainian delegation included representatives from the cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development, the Ministry of Social Policy, and the State Fund for Youth Housing Construction. Their participation was complemented by experts from the Council of Europe Development Bank and Norwegian Refugee Council, who brought additional perspectives on financing and implementation strategies.

Photos: A. Potanina, IWO e.V.

Key takeaways from the visit included:

  • Strategic approaches to managing municipal housing companies

  • Models for balancing social responsibility with financial sustainability

  • Effective tenant relations and community building strategies

  • Technical standards for housing construction and maintenance

  • Methods for integrating social housing into urban development

  • Financing mechanisms for affordable housing projects

This knowledge exchange marked an important step in Ukrainian-German cooperation in the housing sector. The insights gained will help inform Ukraine's approach to developing affordable housing solutions, particularly crucial for post-conflict recovery efforts. The delegation learned about successful models that could be adapted to meet Ukraine's specific needs and challenges.

The study visit was organized through collaboration between IWO, wbg Immobilien, and the City of Nuremberg as part of the UN4UkrainianCities project. Through such exchanges, Ukrainian cities can benefit from proven approaches to municipal housing while developing their own innovative solutions for the future. The Ukrainian national Government can study the policy structure and provide regulations to address the housing challenges.