UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva

Ukrainian Urban Cadastre: National Infrastructure and Integration with Local Practices

Ukrainian Urban Cadastre

01 November, 2023 | 15:30 - 18:30 CET

Madrid, Spain


For Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts, development of an effective urban cadaster is crucial for being able to obtain and analyze information on local land use and reconstruction activities. This will support attracting new resources, including investments, into the reconstruction work.​

In spring 2023, technical assistance on the topic of urban cadasters was requested by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. ​The proposed project will specifically assist Ukraine in ​developing concrete regulations, standards, and guidelines for the development of the urban planning cadastre at the national level. The proposed project, which would be funded by the Madrid city government, would also assist ​in building capacities of the local and regional authorities for updating data and information in the national urban cadastre, to be used for the purposes of local recovery and promoting data interoperability between both local and national urban planning cadasters.​ This initiative will prove essential for collecting and analyzing data on local land use and reconstruction, thus aiding in attracting investments.

Highlights from the meeting of UA authorities

Ahead of the workshop titled "Ensuring tenure security after natural and man-made disasters," a meeting was held focusing on the Ukrainian urban cadastre, its national infrastructure and integration with local practices. The meeting was held in person and online on 1 November 2023, under the framework of the UN4UkrainianCities project. It was hosted by the Colegio de Registradores de España in Madrid and organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA), in partnership with Ukraine's Ministry of Restoration, State Geocadastre, and the Ministry of Justice.

Opening the workshop, Ms. Paola Deda, Director of the UNECE Forests, Land, and Housing Division, voiced her support for the efforts of the Ukrainian government in modernizing the national legislation, particularly in developing a contemporary urban cadastre system. This system aims to enhance the resilience of Ukrainian cities in their recovery processes.

Similarly, members of the Ukrainian delegation recognised the contribution of UNECE in their initial efforts towards the implementation of the urban cadastre in Ukraine. They expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain access and learn from a collection of best practices in the region through participation in such workshops. Ukrainian government representatives and city officials also discussed the status of the implementation of their urban cadastre systems, as well as their plans for legislative changes in this field.

In her concluding remarks, Ms. Deda highlighted the UNECE’s ongoing support for Ukraine's recovery since April 2022 through the UN4UkrainianCities project for Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, backed by BMZ and assisted by GIZ, and acknowledged the value of the tripartite cooperation between UNECE, city authorities, and the national government.