UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva

Defining Cadastral Boundaries of Sub-National Administrative Units: Ukrainian Challenges and International Practice

This paper examines the challenges Ukraine faces in establishing and registering cadastral boundaries for its sub-national administrative units following recent reforms. It provides an overview of Ukraine's current normative base, practical challenges, and insights from international experiences in countries like Denmark, Germany, Spain and the United States.

Key takeaways:

  • Only 37% of settlements, 3% of territorial communities, and no rayons or oblasts in Ukraine have officially registered boundary lines in the Land Cadastre.

  • At the current pace, it would take over 30 years and cost approximately €18.5 million to register boundaries for all territorial communities.

  • The paper recommends identifying a default set of administrative boundaries, enforcing national-level registration with local adjustment options, and establishing a committee for conflict resolution.

  • Open public engagement and clear communication are crucial for implementing boundary reforms.