UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva

Enhancing Urban Planning in the City of Mykolaiv: Vision and Strategic Proposals

Following a detailed analysis of Mykolaiv's present conditions, the One Works Foundation-led team developed further studies delving into different subjects. On one hand, the team analysed international and Ukrainian sustainability policies that could be relevant to Mykolaiv, and carried out specific studies on the current environmental conditions of the city. On the other hand, demographic projections helped understand how the end of the conflict and subsequent social, political, and economic approaches may lead to different scenarios.

The results of these investigations contributed to the formulation of a preliminary overarching strategy that will pave the way for a sustainable future for Mykolaiv.

This report therefore explains the proposed key urban, landscape design, and mobility moves that will be further discussed and developed in the upcoming months.