UN4UkranianCities UNECE


by R. Karageorgieva - Technical Documents

Promoting Circularity in Rebuilding Ukrainian Cities

This policy paper was developed as part of the UN4UkrainianCities project to support the revitalization and modernization of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv in Ukraine. The paper provides background information on the key challenges faced by Ukrainian cities, including air pollution, water quality, waste management, urban sustainability, climate change resilience, and biodiversity loss. It also outlines relevant national legal acts, regulations, and programmes, as well as key organizations and data sources. The second part of the paper lists relevant UN and other international tools and instruments that can help Ukraine address these challenges, focusing on the concept of circular cities and the benefits of urban green spaces.

The policy paper emphasizes the importance of considering various aspects in the planning of cities' recovery, such as smart spatial planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment, public participation, air protection and water safety, circular approaches to waste management, and gender considerations. The paper concludes with recommendations for central and local authorities to consider Ukraine's international obligations and access practical instruments and tools developed to support the implementation of international conventions in the process of recovery planning.

Key Points:

  • The policy paper was developed to support the revitalization and modernization of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv as part of the UN4UkrainianCities project.

  • Ukrainian cities face challenges in air pollution, water quality, waste management, urban sustainability, climate change resilience, and biodiversity loss.

  • The paper outlines relevant national legal acts, regulations, programmes, organizations, and data sources.

  • International tools and instruments, focusing on circular cities and urban green spaces, can help Ukraine address these challenges.

  • Recovery planning should consider smart spatial planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment, public participation, air and water protection, circular approaches to waste management, and gender considerations.